The Tale of Qian Niu

The Tale of Qian Niu (《牵牛的传说》)was a independent video game based on the traditional Chinese folk tale: The Cowherd and the Weaver Girl(牛郎织女) and Double Seventh Festival (七夕). It was my udnergraduate degree project, and also got nominated to Best interactive artwork of Sigggraphic Asia 2009.


Research, Level design, Art Direction, Concept Art, 3D modeling, UI design, Programming, Video Editing



Final poster of the game

An inforgraphic showing the story flow and relationships between characters

Start with research...

character research

Characters and clothes style research moodboard

scene research

Study of ancient building style for scene design

Concept art development

scene concept arts

3D modeling

Game Development in Virtools

Screenshots & gameplay recording

Let's build cool stuff together.